During the Covid crisis we have all suffered in a variety of ways. This unprecedented situation is taking it’s toll, not only on people’s physical health but also on their mental health and wellbeing too.
As we focus on our jobs and supporting our friends, families and communities we often forget the importance of meeting our own needs. If we don’t look after ourselves we can’t maintain the levels of resilience and stamina we need to carry on day after day. Wellbeing depends as much on our 'emotional fitness' as it does our physical fitness but we rarely prioritise it in the same way. Or maybe you know exactly what you should be doing but just can't find the time or motivation to put it in place.
Does this sound familiar to you? Would you like to feel less stressed and more in control of your emotions? Would you like to learn how to use 'emotional first aid' to help you deal with stressful times and also build your 'emotional fitness' for a better long term future?
Through listening and coaching I can support you to use positive coping strategies and learn how to make small changes to care for your wellbeing. I can help you to reflect on what is holding you back from achieving what you want in life and then support you to take action to keep moving forward.
I'm sure you're wondering what exactly is involved in Wellbeing Coaching and if it could be helpful to you. If so, why not contact me and we can have an initial 'discovery' phone call. This usually lasts about 20-30 mins and is a chance for you to share with me what you want to get out of coaching, to find out more about what I can offer and for us both to get to know each other a little. This free, no commitment contact will give you a chance to decide if coaching might be right for you at this time.
Once we've had our initial contact and if we decide that I am able to support you, I'll draw up a plan for how and when the coaching sessions would take place. In the current 'Covid' climate all coaching is taking place by video and/or phone call. The upside of this is that I am able to coach you wherever you live!
I will send you the plan and a contract of what we have agreed (including costs) for you sign along with a copy of my terms and conditions. Once I‘ve received the signed contract and agreed payment I will confirm the date and time of our first session. I will also ask you to fill in a short questionnaire that will help me to better understand your needs.
Coaching sessions will be by Zoom or WhatsApp video and last about an hour. It's also useful if you can let me have an email address for you as I may want to send you information to support our coaching sessions.
I ask people to be ready about 5 mins before the session so they can relax and start to think about what we're going to talk about. You'll also find it useful to have a pen and paper handy to write down ideas or things you are going to do before the following session.
I don't like to call it 'homework' but I guess that's what it is! To get the most out of your coaching it's important you start to carry out some of the approaches and ideas that we discuss. We'll agree what you think you can manage and hopefully you'll soon be starting to build new ways of 'being' into your daily schedule. People don't get physically fit by going to the gym only once a month and it's the same with emotional fitness. It takes regular practice but it is well worth it as soon you will start to see the impact of the changes you are making. Being accountable to a coach is also very motivating as you know you are going to discuss what you've been doing at your next coaching session.
Everyone's needs are different but I ask people to sign up initially for a minimum of 2 sessions . This gives you the chance to try out new ideas and start to build new habits which we can then talk about on the second session.
Further coaching sessions can then be arranged in blocks of 2, 4 or 6 depending on your requirements. Whether you take up further coaching sessions is totally up to you and I would never put pressurise on people to do more than they want to. Further sessions could take place straight after the initial 2 or you may prefer to have time to practice your new skills before we meet again.
I prefer to be upfront about my charges so you know exactly what you will be paying before we start.
I charge £45 per session (of about 1 hour) so the initial 2 sessions will cost £90 in total.
This includes any pre, between or post session activity materials I may provide you with. I am happy to email you materials but you will need to print them off yourself if you want a hard copy.
Further coaching sessions if required, may be arranged in blocks of 2, 4 or 6.
2 sessions cost £90 in total (£45 each)
4 sessions cost £170 in total (£42.50 each)
6 sessions cost £240 in total (£40 each)
The wellbeing sessions described above provide for private, 1:1 coaching. These may be paid for by the client themselves or by their employer or organisation on their behalf.
I am also able to offer Wellbeing Workshops for groups, organisations or business that would like to support several people at a time. Once Covid restrictions are lifted and we are able to travel and mix more freely I will be offering these as full day (6 hour) or half day (3 hour) workshops.
The content of the workshops can be tailored to meet the needs of your organisation but would include group activities to promote emotional 'first aid' and/or emotional 'fitness'.
Wellbeing workshops work best for groups of between 6-10 people.
I charge £300 for a full day workshop and £175 for a half day for a maximum of 10 people.
These costs presume that the organisation/business would provide the venue and light refreshments for the participants. I would also add my agreed travel costs (from South Shropshire) to this if needed.
I am also pleased to be able to offer workshop days or half days to support groups of parents.
If you already belong to a group or can arrange for a few parents with a common interest to come together, I would be happy to tailor the session to meet your specific need. This could for example cover group Wellbeing Coaching for parents of young children, support for parents of children with additional needs or coaching for parents who want to learn new ideas for supporting their child's learning and development. For costs and arrangements please see Wellbeing for Parents page.