Support for schools.
With a background as a Local Authority Early Years Consultant I am very familiar with the needs of Nursery, Primary schools and Early Years Settings.
I can provide support through staff meetings, INSET and in-class coaching.
Topics I have covered in the past include:
Please contact me to discuss your requirements as this is not an exhaustive list and all support is bespoke and tailored to schools and early years setting’s individual requirements.
My charges are:
£125 for a staff meeting (max 1 1/2 hours)
£ 225 for half a day (3 hours)
£425 for a full day (6 hours)
These charges include planning and preparation (and travel expenses if within Shropshire).
I am able to provide content for school INSET days and I am happy to work with the early years staff from several schools together in order for you to share costs.